Principal Message
Welcome to Pinkston Street School!
I am thrilled that you are visiting our website. On behalf of the staff, I welcome all of you to an exciting, successful, and impactful school year.
We welcome you into a close-knit and prideful family. Pinkston is a safe, orderly, and inviting school where students can take full advantage of their capacity to learn.
Our school climate instills a life-long love of learning. We have an educational culture where teachers grow and use their wisdom to benefit our students.
Last year, the data shows that Pinkston EXCEEDED GROWTH overall, MET GROWTH in Reading, and EXCEEDED GROWTH in Math. We will continue to keep student achievement as our top priority by meeting every child where they are and moving them forward. Creating “PAW” prints of excellence is the expectation for all.
To our proud parents and community members, I invite you to partner with us throughout the school year. As Principal, I will always maintain an open-door policy. Please feel free to contact me anytime at 252-438-3441. Always remember…ONCE A TIGER, ALWAYS A TIGER… PINKSTON PROUD!
Your partner in education,
Canecca Mayes